Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

November 20, 2022 - Filmmakers Jamie Hegland & Jade Yurich (FIGURES)

FIGURES, 20min., Canada, Action
Directed by Jamie Hegland, Jade Yurich
A Special Forces officer turned crime syndicate operative uncovers the site of a drop being conducted by one of the world’s most dangerous, underground criminal organizations. With his syndicate’s mission of eradicating this rival organization, he infiltrates the drop site in an attempt to recover a mysterious item and locate the group’s notorious leader. However, things go astray when he is unexpectedly forced to deal with one of their organization’s most reputable mercenaries. Under unforeseen circumstances, he must use his newly acquired skills and act quickly in order to accomplish his mission and survive this encounter.

From the filmmakers:

Jamie: In my opinion the biggest obstacle we faced in completing this film was being able to effectively shoot the entire film in a short timeframe with the small amount of resources we had available to us. In total we had six days of filming but we could have easily taken ten days (if given the proper time/money/resources). There is one location in the film that accounts for more than half of the film’s runtime. Initially we planned to shoot it in one night, a task that proved to be too ambitious and as a result we had to plan a second day at that location to finish what needed to be filmed, and even reshoot several portions. Having to completely tear down the set and clean up the space only to come back months later and recreate the same set environment with differing materials proved to be a challenge but we were up to it.

Jade: Locking the final cut. There were so many scenes that ended up on the cutting room floor and this film could have easily run over 30 minutes. We knew we had to boil down on what the intention of this project was. A badass fight film with a story that keeps the audience engaged and in anticipation of what’s next. Cutting 11 minutes worth of story out did that in a more concise and impactful way.

Playing on the Film Festival Streaming service later this month. You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

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